New Rule Benefiting Students from School Debt

In a recent development of Biden’s administration, higher education institutions are now facing more strict requirements as part of a finalized federal rule. This rule demands that these institutions demonstrate that specific certificate programs result in improved employment prospects for their graduates, failing which they risk losing access to federal student aid. One accountability metric has been reinforced, and a new one has been introduced to better assess a school's capability to enhance its students' post-graduation earning potential. All educational institutions are now obligated to furnish prospective students with a comprehensive financial value transparency framework. As "The Biden-Harris administration believes that when students invest in higher education, they should get a solid return on their investment and a greater shot at the American dream."

Recently, a new rule has been put in place to make sure schools offering certain programs prove their value in terms of job prospects. There are two key tests:

  1. Debt-Earnings Test: Schools must show that graduates' annual loan payments are not too high compared to their earnings. If they are, it could be a problem.

  2. Earnings Premium Test: Schools need to demonstrate that at least half of their graduates earn more than a typical high school graduate of the same age in their state.

If a school doesn't pass one of these tests, they must warn students about potential problems with the program, like losing access to federal aid. The Department of Education estimated that around 1,700 programs, with nearly 700,000 students each year, may not meet these rules, affecting a large portion of programs.

Supporters are especially pleased to see a benchmark comparing graduates' earnings to high school graduates. However, some have pointed out that these rules only apply to certain programs, leaving out associate and bachelor’s degrees. They believe should also be considered for the benchmark exam to help students avoid excessive debt after graduating.

The new rules also introduce a transparent financial information framework. This means students and families will get a clear picture of program costs, potential debt, and expected post-graduation earnings. Schools will have to report various expenses like tuition, books, and supplies, and tell students about grants and loans. This information will be available to the public on the Department of Education website. These rules are vital because they ensure that students get value from their education and protect them from low-wage jobs and loan problems, ultimately preventing the waste of taxpayer dollars.


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